Friday 11 May 2018

Things to Know Before Repairing Your Roof

Roof repairs can be challenging if you are unprepared. However, if you are prepared and you know what to do before starting roof repairs, then you will not experience any problems. It is important that you know the following before starting roof repairs:

Your roof should be inspected before it is repaired

Roof inspections are important at all times but are more important for roof repairs. Your roof needs to be inspected before any repairs are done because it is easy to miss out on some critical repairs. Keep in mind that some of the warning signs cannot be spotted on the roof surface.

This is why it is good that you look for a professional to inspect your roof before it is repaired. The best thing about looking for a professional to inspect your roof is the fact that they know how to spot hidden problems. Remember that the earlier a problem is identified, the cheaper the repair will be.

Preventive maintenance is always better than reactive repair

Preventive roof maintenance involves dealing with a roofing problem before it worsens or before it even begins. One such problem that should be addressed as soon as it is identified is leaks. Leaks can be costly to repair and it is important that they are dealt with before while they are still small and cheaper to repair.

It is always wise to practice preventive maintenance to avoid reactive maintenance as this will help you save money. So, check if your roof has any problems before the repair costs balloon.

All roof repairs are not often expensive

Many people believe that all roof roofers are usually expensive. However, what they don’t know is that the cost of repairing a roof depends on the size of the roof being repaired and the extent of the damage.

Larger roofs are usually expensive to repair but if the roof damage is minimal, you will not have to spend a lot on roof repair. Pitched or steep roofs are also more expensive than flat roofs. To avoid costly repairs, maintain your roof on a regular basis as this will prevent any costly repairs.

Always hire a professional to repair your roof

It may be tempting to repair your roof all by yourself. However, this is not a good idea as it can be risky and more expensive in the long run. The best thing about hiring a professional is the fact that they are experienced in roof repair and will repair your roof in the best way possible. A professional can also identify a potential problem while repairing your roof.

Your roof is just like any other investment and requires constant monitoring and immediate attention when any roofing problems occur. A roof that is well maintained will last for a longer period and cost the homeowner less compared to a roof that is not properly maintained. Knowing the factors above will ensure that your roof repair is done in the best way possible and help you prevent avoidable roofing problems in future. Get to know more at

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Monday 7 May 2018

Main Benefits Of Floating Desks

A floating desk is something that just about everyone should consider. A floating desk offers numerous advantages over other options. Below, we will talk about some of the main benefits of floating desks.

Benefits Of Floating Desks:

1. Price.

One of the main benefits that come with floating desks is the low price tag. You are going to be able to save a lot of money on your desk purchase when you make the decision to purchase a desk and/or make the desk yourself. This is mainly due to the lack of materials needed to get it done. Because you are only going to be using a minimal number of materials, it should be much less expensive than a traditional desk.

2. Space Saving.

Another benefit that you are going to be able to enjoy with a floating desk is the ability to save a significant amount of space. This is the main reason a lot of people end up investing in a floating desk in the first place. With a floating desk, you are going to end up saving a lot of valuable floor space that you would normally be taking up with a traditional desk. Because you will have the top layer of the floating desk attached to your wall, it can minimize the amount of floor space being utilized and cluttered up.

3. Cleaning With Ease.

Another significant benefit that comes from using a floating desk is the ability to clean the floor with ease. Because you will be able to clean the floor with no obstructions, it will enable you to effectively clean the floor however you want with nothing getting in your way. A floating desk will essentially float above the floor so you don’t have to worry about going under and/or around the desk like you normally would. Instead, you will be able to effectively and efficiently give your floor a good cleaning job.

4. Looks Better.

Another good thing about this type of desk is the fact that it will look better in your home. A traditional desk is something that is both old and outdated. A floating desk is something that will look better and be much more aesthetically appealing. Because it can make your home look entirely more modern, it is the way to go when it comes to picking out a desk for your home and/or office.

Overall, there are plenty of different benefits of floating desks. The main benefit that you will be able to get is obviously the space-saving benefits from it. A floating desk is going to take up much less space than any other desk that you would typically find being sold because the desk is meant to be placed on your floor which takes up valuable floor space on its own. Being able to achieve space saving advantages by using a floating desk is key and can really end up saving you a lot of money as well because you will be able to create a DIY desk with minimal material investment. Find quality floating desks at

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Friday 4 May 2018

When To Feed Grass In The Spring To Keep It Greener

A beautiful lawn is something that most homeowners strive for. When your house is surrounded by green, healthy grass, it can add to its curb appeal, making it much more attractive from the street.

Remarkable Backyard Lawn Ideas

A well-maintained lawn can also enhance your outdoor entertaining. Having backyard get-together with friends is a lot more enjoyable when you have a beautiful lawn as a backdrop. Children and pets also love to frolic on thick, healthy grass. It is soft enough to provide cushioning if they fall, helping to prevent injuries.

Of course, keeping your lawn looking its best takes work. You not only need to regularly mow it but you also need to properly fertilize it. One of the best ways to keep your grass greener is by learning when to feed it in the spring.

As a general rule of thumb, lawns should be fertilized several times each year – once in the spring and a couple of other times during the growing season. It is important to wait until the perfect time to apply the fertilizer, however. If you apply it too early or too late, it can negatively impact the growth and health of the grass.

Applying  Fertilizer

The most common mistake that homeowners make when it comes to applying fertilizer is applying it too early in the season. As soon as the weather starts to get nice, most people rush out and buy fertilizer, putting it on their lawns before the grass really has a chance to start growing. Sadly, this can keep the grass from developing a hearty root system.

During the early part of the spring, grass begins developing its root system. If you apply fertilizer during this critical time, it will start focusing on growing up out of the ground, instead. This can keep the root system from fully developing, making your grass weaker and more likely to succumb to problems such as drought, pests, or disease.

To prevent this problem, you should wait until later in the spring to apply the fertilizer. That way, the grass will have a chance to fully establish its root system before it begins putting energy into growing.

The specific time of the year when you should fertilize will vary, depending on where you live. You should look up recommendations for your particular growing zone online. You can also reach out to your local county extension office for advice.

Growing Fresh Green Grass

Alternatively, you can also judge when the time is right by watching your grass. Avoid applying it when the grass is still slightly brown or weak looking after the winter. Instead, wait until after it has started growing and is totally green. This is a sign that the root system has been established and that the grass is ready to grow.

Now that you know when to feed your grass in the spring if you want it to be greener, you should be able to have a beautiful lawn. When you keep your lawn well fed, watered, and properly maintained, it will continue to look amazing all season long. To know more on organic lawn care solutions visit professionals today!

The post When To Feed Grass In The Spring To Keep It Greener appeared first on Rootkit Trends & Prevention Blog.


Wednesday 2 May 2018

This Bluon Energy Refrigerant Is Making A Real Difference

How Bluon Energy Is Really Changing The World!

In 1987, more than 197 countries signed the Montreal Protocol in order to prevent irreparable damage to the ozone layer of the earth. The main goal of this protocol was to discontinue the use of HVAC refrigerants that were depleting the ozone layer. Over the next few decades, CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) – one of the worst offenders of ozone-depletion – were phased out. On the other hand, phasing out HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) began in 2004 is supposed to continue until 2020. In fact, by the year of 2020, no HCFC will be manufactured or imported to the United States. HCFCs or the current refrigerant used in HVAC systems are commercially known as R22. The whole idea of phasing out R22 is to have an environmental benefit and save the ozone layer of the planet. But the alternative refrigerants that were introduced to be used in place of R22 are having a negative impact on the environment due to their increased electricity consumption.

The replacement refrigerants on the market today don’t deplete the ozone layer of the earth. But they actually reduce the performance of HVAC systems. In fact, these refrigerants will increase energy consumption at least by 5-30% depending on the HVAC system. That is where Bluon Energy – the latest refrigerant manufacturer and HVAC service provider on the market – comes in handy. In fact, Bluon plans to address this shortcoming in the market.

r20 versus tdx 20

More About HVAC Systems and Refrigerant

Overall, HVAC systems around the globe consume more than 40% of all electricity. In fact, electricity accounts for more than 30% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the United States alone. That is why the present R22 replacements are not going to solve the issue of protecting the environment. They consume more electricity and reduce the performance of the HVAC systems. Even though they don’t damage the ozone layer directly similar to R22, they are damaging the environment in an indirect way. That is why the scientific community got together to work out a viable solution for this problem. In fact, they have to find a viable solution to the issue before 2020 since R22 will be completely phased out by that time.

After several years of research and testing, Bluon came up with a refrigerant formula that isn’t matched by any other alternative refrigerant on the market today. It will reduce the energy consumption by at least 5-25% depending on the HVAC system. The refrigerant was named TdX 20. In fact, TdX 20 achieved these amazing figures by carrying more heat at lower pressures. This helps to maximize the use of the entire coil in the HVAC system. It also helps minimize system losses that are inherent to HVAC equipment.

Peter Capuciati, a physicist as well as the executive chairman of Bluon’s board of directors, was in the forefront of developing this new refrigerant. In fact, the team had tried hundreds of formulas – testing each one on different HVAC systems – to find the right formula that would improve the efficiency of the system. The research went on for more than three years until they made the final breakthrough. The research team found out that if they stacked five refrigerants together – enabling these refrigerants to vaporize in sequence – a domino effect would occur. This effect resulted in an increased productivity from the coil and much less work from the HVAC compressor of the HVAC system. This helped lower the consumption of electricity and increase the overall efficiency of the system.

Why Switch to TDX 20?

TdX 20 cleared all regulatory hurdles in September 2016. In fact, the new refrigerant got the approval of the EPA and other permitting agencies and its official ASHRAE designation R-458A – the final step that it needs to enter the marketplace. On the other hand, the timing of the new refrigerant is perfect since the price of R22 has almost quadrupled within the last couple of years. The limitations placed on production and distribution of R22 are responsible for this sharp price hike. Since the new supply of R22 is almost drying up, suppliers who have been stocking up the product are taking advantage of the situation. In fact, they are creating a supply and demand dynamic that is quite unfavorable to the end-users.

With the increase in production of TdX 20 around the final quarter of 2017, the wholesale price of a pound of TdX 20 has dropped to $13 while the wholesale price of a pound of R22 has risen to $25 and is increasing further. In fact, a pound of R22 is predicted to cost over $40 in the next few months. More than 65% of HVAC systems still run on R22. In fact, with its price skyrocketing, everyone is looking for an alternative. Bluon Energy is really changing the world with their new refrigerant – TdX 20.

Better Performing Refrigerant

HVAC systems that use TdX 20 operate at lower pressure and compressor temperatures. Hence, these HVAC systems will last longer and require a few repairs over time. With the energy efficient properties of TdX 20, the refrigerant is supposed to fill the gap that is left after R22 is completely phased out in 2020. In fact, a cost analyst from Bluon Energy analyzed the actual cost of replacing R22 HVAC systems with the new refrigerant. They found out that replacing HVAC systems on a 100,000-square-foot commercial building with modern units will cost over $1 million – which is the equivalent of $3,000 per ton of capacity. But you can replace the existing R22 refrigerant with TdX 20 for a much less cost. In fact, it will cost only $45,000 for a 100,000-square-foot building – or $150 per ton. The energy savings you get from TdX 20 will pay for the investment within 1-3 years – depending on the building, HVAC systems, and cost of electricity. That is why you need to shift to Bluon Energy’s TdX 20 – the latest energy efficient and environmentally friendly HVAC refrigerant on the market.

The aforementioned article provides information on how Bluon Energy is really changing the world.

The post This Bluon Energy Refrigerant Is Making A Real Difference appeared first on Rootkit Trends & Prevention Blog.
